We are Ivy House School, a coeducational school for children aged 2-11

14th July 23

Looking through the trees

We are delighted to share that, from September, St Anthony’s School for Girls will become Ivy House School, a coeducational school for children aged 2-11, open to families of all faiths and none.

St Anthony’s School for Girls was founded in 2016 as the sister school to St Anthony’s School for Boys. Since opening, our school has achieved many successes: an ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted rating in 2017, impressive 11+ destinations and, since 2021, a coeducational nursery which now constitutes a significant part of our school.

With our thriving coed nursery now a substantial part of our school community, we believe the natural step in our journey is to become fully coeducational.

We are very mindful of the impact of this change on our existing pupils and this is why we have committed to making this change gradually, and have already informed our families that we will not be accepting boys in Years 5 and Year 6 for the coming academic year.

We have also decided to become a non denominational school from September given the relatively low number of Catholics in our school at the moment. Despite this, we fully recognise our responsibilities to those families who are Catholic and have agreed with the Diocese a plan to continue to look after the Catholic families in a meaningful way, whilst no longer being a Catholic school. We will of course extend these plans to any other Catholic family who may be considering this school in the future for their children.

To mark these changes, our school is being renamed Ivy House School. This name reflects the school’s heritage, as the building that houses our school has been known as Ivy House for over 100 years and has a distinguished provenance, having been home to culturally and academically prominent figures, such as romantic painter J.M.W. Turner; surgeon, histologist and anatomist William Bowman and prima ballerina Anna Pavlova. Please visit us again as we reveal our new identity in the coming weeks.

We are very excited by the future for Ivy House School; our talented leadership team is fully committed to the long term growth and success of the school.