Safer Internet Day 2017

8th February 17

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On Tuesday 7th February St Anthony’s Girls joined in with the rest of the country to celebrate Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme of ‘Be the change: unite for a better Internet’ inspired the girls to discuss positivity and how to use the Internet to support and inspire their learning. To start the day, Year 3 created ‘Photo Posting Rules’ to enable them to make their own positive choices when posting photos online. In Reception, children listened to the story of ‘Smartie the Penguin’ and discussed the importance of asking for help when unwanted pop-ups interrupted their game or video clip. Children were encouraged to not click or tap advertisements that popped up but to immediately ask an adult for help. To celebrate and to apply their knowledge from Safer Internet day, all girls wrapped up the day by playing educational games on our school laptops and iPads.

The Internet is an amazing resource that can support children’s learning. Your child will face different issues while using the Internet depending on their age and their online activities. Below you will find information and advice on how to support your child navigate the Internet safely.