Categories: News

Embracing Health and Wellbeing Week

From the 15th to 19th of January, children and staff participated in our second annual Health and Wellbeing Week. Throughout the week children participated in a range of activities to encourage healthy bodies and minds. Health and Wellbeing Week aims to promote life long habits to provide the girls with the tools to have a successful and happy future. Alison, from our morning YogaBugs club, shared her knowledge of yoga and mindfulness with us.

The older girls explored how they were feeling using the weather as an analogy for feelings and their transient nature.   They also explored the concept of being only in the current moment, through a short Yoga sequence taken blindfolded. Both sessions ended with a short lying relaxation which gave the girls the opportunity for a few minutes to “Do Nothing”, just breathe and be.



The younger girls learnt a traditional Yoga Sun Salutation sequence, which moves the body in a flowing sequence that invigorates and stretches from head to toes.  Then they explored the power of their breath and how they can vary it, using colourful scarves which they then used to mindfully create a beautiful silent rainbow mandala together.




Katherine Wood

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